In a futuristic world of Cyberpunk 2077 one of the things that we all look forward to are the cars. It’s always fun to drive around the night city and even go to your missions driving a vehicle, it really adds to fun and excitement to the game. But as we all know, fast and iconic cars really come at a price and they can be pretty hard to find. We can show you how to get the fastest and most iconic car in Cyberpunk 2077 for free.
Rayfield Caliburn
The Rayfield Caliburn is by far the best car in the game in terms of top speed, acceleration and handling. You can get this car by purchasing it, and it will cost you $ 157,000. However you can also get this car for free.
If you continue your campaign you will receive a quest called, “Ghost Town”. You will meet Panam and you’ll have to follow the task that Panam has for you until you can obtain her truck. Then you can help her to take out Nash and will take you to the gang’s hideout. Then Panam will drive into a mine then you will have to eliminate all the hostiles.
You will notice a car inside a shipping container, there you will find the black Rayfield Caliburn
Assuming you weren’t able to get it while doing this campaign you can always go back to the area. The mine’s area is just north of the Sunset Motel fast travel point.
Quadra Type-R Turbo
Turbo cars are one that every Cyberpunk player will want to get their hands on. With its sleek design, tight handling and high speed, you really will enjoy driving this car in Night City. and this is how you can get it.
What you need to do is find this undiscovered job, you need to headover to Haywood and find a secret gig located in the bottom right corner of the area.
The job will require you to sneak into heavily guarded areas, hack into their mainframe, and steal the car.
Once you have delivered back the stolen car you will have to skip 24 hours ahead of time, which you can do on the menu.
Then you will get a text message from Jake, saying that he has a special reward for you. Then track the quest “Sex on Wheels” and head to the destination on the map. There, you will get your Quadra Type-R Turbo Car.